Huxia, Lda Versión de Odoo 15.0+e
Información sobre Huxia, Lda instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.
Aplicaciones instalados
- Ventas
- De presupuestos a facturas
- Facturación
- Facturas y pagos
- Seguimiento de clientes potenciales y oportunidades próximas
- Sitio web
- Constructor de sitio web empresarial
- Inventario
- Gestione sus actividades de stock y logística.
- Contabilidad
- Gestionar la contabilidad financiera y analítica.
- Compra
- Órdenes de compra, licitaciones y acuerdos.
- Punto de venta
- Interfaz de PdV amigable para usuarios para tiendas y restaurantes
- Proyecto
- Organiza y planea tus proyectos
- Comercio electrónico
- Venda sus productos online
- Fabricación
- Fabricar Órdenes & Listas de Materiales
- Marketing por email
- Diseñar, enviar y gestionar correos electrónicos
- Studio
- Cree y personalice sus aplicaciones Odoo
- Empleados
- Centralice la información de los empleados
- EU GDPR / GDPR Privacy / Website GDPR
- This app makes to Odoo compatible with EU GDPR and DPA.
- Multi User Inventory Count / Stock Take
- Inventory Count is the solution that helps to manage inventory that is to check and keep track record of physical inventory. inventory count, stock count, inventory management, stock management, stock analysis, inventory analysis, physical stock count, count inventories, employee performance, simultaneously inventory count, simultaneously stock count, approval, rejection, barcode scanning, track record, session management, work accuracy, discrepancy report, adjustment report, inventory adjustment report, statistic report,
- Cookie Notice
- Provide Cookie Notice For Visitor, Display Website Cookie Notice, Cookie Notice App, Website EU Law Cookie Notice, Show Website Cookie Notice Odoo
- Shopify Odoo Connector
- Our Shopify Connector helps you in integrating and managing your Shopify store with Odoo by providing the most useful features of Product and Order Synchronization. This solution is compatible with our other apps i.e. Amazon, ebay, magento, Inter Company Transfer, Shipstation.Apart from Odoo Shopify Connector, we do have other ecommerce solutions or applications such as Woocommerce connector, Magento Connector, and also we have solutions for Marketplace Integration such as Odoo Amazon Connector, Odoo eBay Connector, Odoo Walmart Connector, Odoo Connector.Aside from ecommerce integration and ecommerce marketplace integration, we also provide solutions for various operations, such as shipping , logistics , shipping labels , and shipping carrier management with our shipping integration, known as the Shipstation connector.For the customers who are into Dropship business, we do provide EDI Integration that can help them manage their Dropshipping business with our Dropshipping integration or Dropshipper integration.It is listed as Dropshipping EDI integration and Dropshipper EDI integration.Emipro applications can be searched with different keywords like Amazon integration, Shopify integration, Woocommerce integration, Magento integration, Amazon vendor center module, Amazon seller center module, Inter company transfer, Ebay integration, integration, inventory management, warehouse transfer module, dropship and dropshipper integration and other Odoo integration application or module
- Theme Scita
- Mobile-first & most versatile Odoo theme. Perfect for E-Commerce, Fashion, IT, Furniture and other 35+ industries.
- Suscripciones
- Genera facturas recurrentes y gestiona renovaciones
- Conversaciones
- Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
- Contactos
- Centralice su libreta de direcciones
- Calendario
- Programa las reuniones de empleados
- Código de barras
- Use lectores de código de barras para procesar operaciones logísticas
- Notas
- Organice su trabajo con recordatorios
- Conector de Amazon
- Importa pedidos de Amazon y sincroniza entregas